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El Segundo Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Experienced Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers In El Segundo, CA

The severe impact of sudden head trauma can cause permanent damage to the brain, resulting in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). TBI victims not only experience physical pain but also must face daily life with impaired mental functions. Fortunately, our experienced El Segundo traumatic brain injury lawyers are available to help those who have endured this grave injury due to another person’s neglectful behavior.

Don’t be a victim twice. If you’re enduring pain and suffering because of another person’s negligence, you have the right to pursue compensation through a personal injury claim. Sheridan & Rund, PC has been assisting residents in Los Angeles County for years and has come equipped with the expertise and resources needed to help you secure full recompense from your case. Call our office today for a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help.

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are often the result of motor vehicle accidents. Depending on the incident, TBIs might range from minor to catastrophic and long-term effects could last a lifetime or beyond. With mild cases, those affected can expect a full recovery within weeks; however, with more serious occurrences there will be significant physical and cognitive impairments that forever alter life as they know it.

Sadly, traumatic brain injuries are far more prevalent than many may realize. In fact, it’s estimated that 1.5 million Americans experience TBI annually–that amounts to someone in America sustaining a head injury every 21 seconds! These types of traumas can be devastating and necessitate the expertise of an experienced El Segundo traumatic brain injury lawyer to pursue legal recourse against those responsible for causing harm. If you believe you have suffered from a TBI, consulting with an expert lawyer is highly encouraged.

Common Causes Of Traumatic Brain Injuries In California

Traumatic brain injuries occur when a person’s head is struck by force, causing the brain to interact with the inside of the skull. This traumatic event can often damage one’s internal wiring, resulting in possible short or long-term cognitive impairments like memory loss and disorientation. In California, violent accidents are usually what lead to such serious trauma; however, the most common causes include falls, motor vehicle crashes, assaults, and sports activities. Additional causes of traumatic brain injuries in California include:

  • Slip and Falls
  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Assaults
  • Boating accidents
  • Drowning accidents
  • Uber/Lyft accidents
  • Violence or gunshot wounds
  • Military attacks or bomb blasts

Symptoms Of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries range significantly in severity and the effects they have on individuals. While nearly all TBIs reported in California are mild to moderate, there still exist a number of serious cases leading either to long-term disability or even death. Thankfully, minor to moderately severe head traumas can usually improve within just a few short days!

Even if they are not always fatal, a traumatic brain injury can still possess long-term impacts on the central nervous system and its functioning. Regardless of how serious your TBI is, it’s crucial to speak with an experienced El Segundo traumatic brain injury lawyer as soon as possible if you have sustained such harm due to someone else’s misconduct. Symptoms that typically accompany mild or moderate head trauma consist of:

  • Dizziness
  • Amnesia
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Lightheadedness
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Speech impairments
  • Inability to focus or concentrate
  • Seizures
  • Slurred speech
  • Problems with memory
  • Inability to taste or smell
  • Extreme mood swings and fits of temper
  • Permanent confusion or disorientation
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Permanent coma or vegetative state

States Of Abnormal Consciousness Following A Traumatic Brain Injury

Everyone comprehends the gravity of traumatic brain injuries, yet many remain unaware that various stages exist. In reality, following a substantial head wound, an individual may experience any one of five distinct levels of cognitive impairment:

1. Stupor

When a person is unresponsive to any external stimuli but can be briefly awoken through an intense stimulus such as pain, they are typically in a state of stupor. This type of brain injury is most commonly seen after serious car accidents and other forms of trauma.

2. Coma

For more than 24 hours, a person may be entirely unresponsive to any stimuli and remains in an unconscious state. Furthermore, they do not experience regular sleep-wake cycles as is typical with being in a coma.

3. Vegetative State

When a person enters a vegetative state, they are typically unconscious and unaware of any stimuli around them including pain or light. Still, it’s not uncommon for these individuals to have cyclical sleep patterns and reflexive responses as well as occasional groans or even opening their eyes.

4. Persistent Vegetative State

After someone has been in a vegetative state for thirty days, they are deemed to have entered a persistent vegetative state (PVS). Adults with PVS have around half the chance of recovering within six months when compared to children at 60%. Sadly, as time passes and an individual remains in this condition their prospects of making meaningful progress become increasingly narrow.

5. Locked-In Syndrome

Finally, locked-in syndrome is a condition caused by damage to parts of the lower brain and brain stem that leaves people conscious yet completely paralyzed. The only body part not affected by this paralysis are their eyes; therefore, blinking and eye movement become vital tools for communication between these individuals and those around them.

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What Is An Anoxic Brain Injury?

Traumatic brain injuries are typically caused by a blow to the head, yet hypoxia can also cause serious damage. This type of injury is referred to as anoxic brain injury and there are four specific types that could be experienced – see below for more information.

Anemic Anoxia

Anemic anoxia occurs when insufficient oxygen is supplied to the brain due to compromised blood quality. This could be triggered by lung ailments that prevent adequate oxygen intake, along with chronic anemia, carbon monoxide poisoning, and sudden hemorrhaging.

Toxic Anoxia

Toxins wreaking havoc in the body can impede oxygen from being utilized properly, resulting in toxic anoxia. The condition can occur after carbon monoxide poisoning, as well as due to the intake of illegal drugs or hazardous chemicals found in industrial environments.

Stagnant Anoxia

Stagnant anoxia – or hypoxic-ischemic injury – is caused by a problem that prevents adequate oxygenated blood from reaching the brain. This type of traumatic brain injury can be triggered by events such as strokes, cardiac arrest, and irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmia).

Anoxic Anoxia

Anoxic anoxia occurs when there is inadequate oxygen in the atmosphere. Carbon monoxide poisoning, living at high elevations, and even drowning can lead to this life-threatening condition – depriving both your body and mind of much-needed oxygen. In other words, without enough oxygen present you’re left gasping for breath!

The repercussions of anoxic brain injuries, regardless of the type, are often dire and fatal. If your injury was due to someone else’s negligence or medical malpractice, you have valid legal rights – reach out to our El Segundo traumatic brain injury attorney today for a free consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Common Are Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Unbeknownst to many, Traumatic Brain Injuries are ubiquitous these days – a study by BrainLine discovered that an estimated 2.8 million Americans suffer from TBIs annually. Sadly, around 50,000 of those individuals succumb to their injuries and another 282,000 require hospitalization in order to recover.

Traumatic brain injuries are responsible for an alarming one-third of all injury-related fatalities across the US. Fortunately, about 90% of TBI sufferers have been successfully treated and discharged from emergency rooms. However, this comes with a steep economic cost to society that amounts to roughly $60 billion annually in direct medical costs as well as indirect losses due to decreased productivity.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Traumatic Brain Injury?

Understanding the indicators of a traumatic brain injury is crucial if you’ve recently been in an accident. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, these injuries are typically labeled as mild, moderate, or serious; with various symptoms associated with each type. Common TBI signs may include:

  • A headache that persists and will not go away
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion, slurred speech, inability to form sentences
  • Eyes are unable to focus
  • Lack of balance, difficulty walking
  • Memory loss
  • Mood swings and abrupt changes in personality

How Common Are Traumatic Brain Injuries In California?

Traumatic brain injuries, the result of major impacts to the head area, can be triggered by a variety of events. Yet some reasons are much more frequent than others. BrainLine notes that the most widely reported sources of traumatic brain damage include:

  • Hard falls account for more than 47% of all traumatic brain injuries. The risk of experiencing a TBI due to a fall is highest for children ages four years old and younger, as well as adults aged 75 years and older.
  • Being struck by or against an object accounts for 15% of all traumatic brain injuries. These types of injuries are most common from construction accidents.
  • Car accidents account for 14% of all traumatic brain injuries. Car accidents are the leading cause of TBI-related death and are most commonly experienced among individuals aged 20-24 years old.
  • Assault is the cause of around 9% of traumatic brain injuries suffered in the United States.
  • 15% of traumatic brain injuries are caused by reasons other than those listed above. This includes sports injuries, which most often affect teens.

What Is The Pseudobulbar Affect?

The pseudobulbar affect is a neurological disorder that brings about sudden and involuntary outbursts of laughter or weeping in individuals who have endured traumatic brain injury. Such episodes can be minor, inducing shame or annoyance, yet they can also become so severe as to cause seizures-like fits. Because crying is one its hallmarks symptoms, persons living with this condition are typically viewed as being depressed.

Contact Our El Segundo Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Today

Traumatic Brain Injuries are life-altering events that can have devastating repercussions, often unseen until weeks after the accident. Head-on collisions or other high-impact accidents can be especially dangerous; if you or someone close to you has been affected, reach out today for assistance from Sheridan & Rund, PC and our El Segundo traumatic brain injury lawyer. Contact our office for your free case evaluation and to learn more about how we can help.